Ashridge Boundary Run Entry

Please click here to be directed to who are handling the entries for the race this year.

Please note that by entering the race, you are agreeing that you have read, agree and have understood the conditions and safety notices detailed on the race day information page of this website.  These can be obtained by clicking here.

Deferring your entry;

We are happy to allow entrants of the race to defer their entry.  The following conditions apply if you wish to do this;

  1. You will be allowed to defer for one year only.
  2. In order to defer your place, you must contact us via email no later than 12 noon on Wednesday 1st March 2025.  Any requests received after this time will not be allowed.
  3. You are then responsible for contacting us when entries open for the following year and a place in the next event will be allocated to you.

Transferring your entry:

We are also happy for entrants to transfer their entry.  All such transfers are handed via the website.  A guide as to how to do this can be found here.

All transfers must be completed by 12 noon on Friday 21st March 2025.

Thanks for entering